Earning Passive Incomes via staking Synthetic Assets — Comdex

4 min readJan 5, 2022

2021 was a breakthrough year for COMDEX, Comdex has far surpassed many leading projects in its’ history. It brought about a lot of integration, partnerships, validators, successful listing, and launch. Comdex has grown vastly in just a shorter period and is gradually making progress attaining to be one of the best on the cosmos ecosystem, all thanks to its creator, Persistence.

In this article, you won’t be getting details on all happenings on the Comdex ecosystem as you can access it here, instead, we would be focusing on how users can participate in staking, where to stake, and how to earn $CMDX while staking to earn passive incomes.

Passive income should be what’s being focused on this 2022 and in order to earn better passive income on the cryptocurrency ecosystem, you need to participate in staking. There are a lot of staking platforms or protocols out there but the one on Comdex will excite you.

Staking on the Comdex ecosystem can be done in two ways which would be explained extensively:

  1. Proof-Of-Stake participation by delegation of tokens to validators
  2. Staking by the provision of liquidity to pools

Delegate $CMDX tokens to Validators

Staking $CMDX with several validators gives better passive income when it comes to monetizing assets. Validators have ensured that maximum security is implemented to secure staked assets. This has not only made PoS users have the ability to stake tokens alone but also made them trust the network.

There’s been a lot of validators on the Comdex ecosystem but currently, $CMDX has just been integrated on three (3) staking services. These staking services provide a better platform to allow users to stake their $CMDX tokens in a secure manner with better #APY in order to earn better rewards.

The staking services that supports $CMDX are:

CosmoStation: Cosmostation is an enterprise-level Proof-of-Stake validator node operation & end-user applications. They are currently developers of MintScan, Ibcwallet, and DeFiStation.

To stake on Cosmostation, it is actually easy-peasy, all you need to do is either connect your wallet through ledger or keystation and stake $CMDX.

Access $CMDX on Cosmostation here: https://wallet.cosmostation.io/cosmos

Unagii: Unagii is an automated DeFi yield platform with staking services built with stakewith.us. To stake on Unagii, PoS users have to connect their wallet via ledger, keystation, or the keplr wallet.

Access $CMDX on Unagii here: https://app.unagii.com/stake/comdex

OmniFlix: OminiFlix is a decentralized media and network layer for Creators & Sovereign Communities powered by NFTs and related distribution protocols. Staking $CMDX here is very seamless.

Access $CMDX on OmniFlix here: https://comdex.omniflix.co/

Provide Liquidity on Pools

Here, users can support, or help grow the ecosystem by providing liquidity. The liquidity provided helps to carry out transactions involving CMDX quickly and with minimal slippage. Rewards are generated for liquidity providers from both inflations and fees paid for swapping. The rewards are paid daily in OSMO, which is the native token of Osmosis DEX.

$CMDX currently has two active liquidity pools on Osmosis DEX, Join the pools here

  1. $ATOM /$CMDX: https://app.osmosis.zone/pool/600
  2. $CMDX /$OSMO: https://app.osmosis.zone/pool/601

Staking in COMDEX is easy, and all you need to do is select the best location that suits you and stake your $CMDX token.

About Comdex

Comdex’s synthetics protocol unlocks access to a vast set of commodity debt assets and liquidity, making the flow of capital from DeFi to CeFi seamless.

For More Information about Comdex:

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